Democracy Dispatch
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Justin Marsh is joined every Monday with folks from their team to update you about everything that happened in the Vermont State House the week before, and what to expect throughout the upcoming week. Listen to exclusive interviews with legislators and environmental allies, and go deeper on policy initiatives affecting our air, water, open space, democracy, and quality of life.
New podcast episodes launch every Monday during the Vermont Legislative Session.
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Accessibility from State Trails to the State House
Rep. Elizabeth Burrows (D/P-West Windsor) speaks about her proposed bill that would make state-owned and managed trails more physically accessible and about the limitations of serving for differently-abled legislators.
Freedom & Unity: A Graphic Guide to Civics and Democracy in Vermont
Susan Clark discusses her contributions to Freedom and Unity: A Graphic Guide to Civics and Democracy in Vermont. From Town Meetings to cooperatives, and all the way up to the state house, Vermont’s approach to democracy is by turns unique, varied, and inspired.
The Winooski Dome Proposal Project of 1979
Rep. Taylor Small (P/D-Winooski) talks about the Winooski Dome Proposal Project of 1979, a PFAS bill set to be taken up this session, and climate priorities for her city.