Vermont Conservation Voters

working to make environmental protection a top priority for elected officials, candidates, and voters

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Our kids want to know: What’s Your Plan on Climate?


of endorsed candidates elected in 2022

Activist Engagements this biennium

Our Work

Each year, VCV works with the major environmental groups to identify and advocate for the most pressing environmental issues. We publish an Environmental Common Agenda of Legislative Priorities, and then produce an Environmental Scorecard to hold lawmakers accountable for votes on these priority issues.


We track, score and hold lawmakers accountable.


We endorse and work to elect candidates who vote for the environment.


We campaign for strong environmental laws.

Democracy Dispatch Podcast

Every Monday during the Legislative session, VCV’s Justin Marsh is joined by folks from their team to update you about everything that happened in the Vermont State House the week before, and what to expect throughout the upcoming week. Listen to exclusive interviews with legislators and environmental allies, and go deeper on policy initiatives affecting our air, water, open space, democracy, and quality of life.

New podcast episodes launch every Monday during the Vermont Legislative Session.

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Latest News & Updates

Vermont Conservation Voters Endorses Charity Clark for Attorney General

Vermont Conservation Voters Endorses Charity Clark for Attorney General

During her tenure as Attorney General, Clark has been an invaluable ally in passing historic climate legislation. She has consistently shown up to advocate for a range of policies that protect Vermonters, championing policies that safeguard our environment and support our communities.

Our Core Issues

VCV works side-by-side with your elected officials to help pass legislation that will ensure Vermont offers a bright future for our children and grandchildren.


Vermont has both a legal and moral obligation to cut climate pollution in a just way, and at a pace that recognizes the scale and severity of the climate emergency. While the Climate Action Plan requires additional refinement and input — particularly from historically marginalized Vermonters — the Legislature has clear direction on what we need to do to transform our energy systems.

HEALTHY Forests + Wildlife

Vermont’s forested landscape is central to our state’s identity and economy. From traditional jobs in the woods, to recreational opportunities for hunters, hikers and anglers, to helping filter and clean our waters, mitigating the effects of climate change, and providing a home for iconic wildlife – healthy forests are an essential asset for Vermont.

Clean water

Clean water is essential to Vermonters’ health, well-being, and quality of life. By adopting policies to better protect and restore our river corridors, riparian buffers along streams, and enhance our wetlands, we will improve water quality, increase species biodiversity, support our tourism and outdoor recreation economies, address stormwater, filter groundwater, and restore the cold-water habitat for which Vermont streams are renowned. 

toxic chemical reform

PFAS and other toxic chemicals harm our bodies’ immune systems, cause diseases like cancer, and contaminate our environment. In the past few years, lawmakers have unanimously enacted nation-leading legislation that banned PFAS and other chemicals from a range of consumer products.

sustainable communities

The housing crisis is a nationwide, multi-faceted issue with numerous, complex underlying causes. Accordingly, it demands a multi-faceted response. We can and must address our housing needs while simultaneously protecting our environment. Advancing smart growth housing solutions supports Vermonters’ quality of life, resilience to economic, social and environmental change, and and protects ecological systems. 

Upcoming Events

View the Full Calendar

VCV plays a key role in helping the every day person know how their legislator voted on the issues that matter to them. That allows people to be informed citizens when they go to the ballot box. No other organization in this state has as big of an impact as VCV does on elections.

- Shelden Goodwin, Vermont Democratic Party

Our Partners

The Vermont environmental community’s vision for a bright future includes working to advance and defend policies that protect the environment; promote health, civil rights, social, racial and economic justice; bolster strong communities; and strengthen our democracy.

  • Audubon Vermont
  • Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC)
  • Connecticut River Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited
  • Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) 
  • Lake Champlain Committee (LCC)
  • Preservation Trust of Vermont
  • Renewable Energy Vermont (REV)
  • Rights & Democracy (RAD)
  • Slingshot
  • The Trust for Public Land (TPL)
  • Third Act Vermont
  • 350VT 
  • Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR)
  • The Vermont Climate & Health Alliance
  • Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club
  • Vermont Interfaith Power & Light (VTIPL)
  • Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC)
  • Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG)

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Vermont Conservation Voters

P.O. Box 744, Montpelier, VT 05601
info @


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