Toxic Chemical Reform


Exposure to toxic chemicals like PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) can cause diseases like cancer and contaminate our environment. In 2023, the Vermont Senate unanimously advanced legislation to ban PFAS and other dangerous chemicals from personal care products, such as shampoos, lotions, and cosmetics, and menstrual products, and to ban PFAS from textiles and artificial turf. This legislation will reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals while using these products in our homes, and also reduce the amount of toxic contamination that eventually ends up in our air, water, and soil. Relatedly, pesticides like neonicotinoids harm pollinators like birds and bees and may threaten human health as well, and Vermont needs to do more to limit the use of these chemicals in our state.

We must also continue to develop and implement strategies to reduce the amount of waste we generate, and improve how we manage our waste. The Legislature recognized this need by passing legislation to modernize the Bottle Bill, but it was unfortunately vetoed by the Governor. We are calling on the legislature to override this veto and enact this important policy.


2024 Legislative Priorities

Protect public health by restricting the use of PFAS and other harmful chemicals from products including personal care products, menstrual products, textiles, and artificial turf.

Pass a pollinator protection bill to ban neonicotinoid-treated seeds.

Lauren Hierl

Lauren Hierl

Executive Director

Vermont Conservation Voters

Lauren Hierl

Jon Groveman

Policy and Water Program Director

Vermont Natural Resources Council