

the 2024 Common Agenda

Environmental scorecard

In election years, Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) endorses pro-environment candidates, and works to help elect our endorsed candidates. As a non-partisan organization, VCV has a long history of endorsing candidates from across the political spectrum who share our values.

Through its endorsements, VCV aims to educate voters across Vermont on candidates whose values and actions demonstratea commitment to our vision and values, by advancing and defending policies that protect the environment and promote health while advancing social, racial, and economic justice; and strengthening our democracy.

To inform our endorsement process, VCV closely tracks lawmakers’ actions at the State House, including key votes on environmental bills via our Environmental Scorecard and sponsorship of legislation that advances the Environmental Common Agenda of top legislative priorities, which VCV releases each legislative session in partnership with other advocacy organizations.

For new candidates, VCV requires candidates to respond to a questionnaire that provides context on a candidate’s environmental background and positions on a range of issues facing the state. For statewide candidates, Board and staff invite candidates for an in-depth interview.

2024 Endorsement Questionnaire

2024 Endorsed Candidates

Governor: Esther Charlestin
Lieutenant Governor: David Zuckerman | press release
Attorney General: Charity Clark
Secretary of State: Sarah Copeland Hanzas
Treasurer: Mike Pieciak | press release
Auditor: Doug Hoffer

Ruth Hardy (Addison)
Christopher Bray (Addison)
Seth Bongartz (Bennington)
Rob Plunkett (Bennington)
Amanda Cochrane (Caledonia)
Philip Baruth (Chittenden-Central)
Tanya Vyhovsky (Chittenden-Central)
Martine Larocque Gulick (Chittenden-Central)
Thomas Chittenden (Chittenden-Southeast)
Ginny Lyons (Chittenden-Southeast)

Kesha Ram Hinsdale (Chittenden-Southeast)
Andy Julow (Grand Isle)
Mark MacDonald (Orange)
Katherine Sims (Orleans)
Marsha Cassel (Rutland)
Robert Richards (Rutland)
Dana Peterson (Rutland)
Ann Cummings (Washington)

Andrew Perchlik (Washington)
Anne Watson (Washington)
Nader Hashim (Windham)
Wendy Harrison (Windham)
Alison Clarkson (Windsor)
Joe Major (Windsor)
Becca White (Windsor)

Amy Sheldon (ADD-1)
Robin Scheu (ADD-1)
Peter Conlon (ADD-2)
Diane Lanpher (ADD-3)
Matt Birong (ADD-3)
Mari Cordes (ADD-4)
Jubilee McGill (ADD-5)
Timothy Corcoran (BEN-2)
Will Greer (BEN-2)
David Durfee (BEN-3)
Rob Hunter (BEN-4)
Kathleen James (BEN-4)
Jim Carroll (BEN-5)
Mike Rice (BEN-RUT)
Bobby Farlice-Rubio (CAL-1)
Eileen Boland (CAL-3)
Scott Campbell (CAL-ESX)
Jana Brown (CHI-1)
Erin Brady (CHI-2)
Angela Arsenault (CHI-2)
Trevor Squirrell (CHI-3)
Edye Graning (CHI-3)
Phil Pouech (CHI-4)
Chea Waters Evans (CHI-5)
Kate Lalley (CHI-6)
Emilie Krasnow (CHI-9)
Kate Nugent (CHI-10)
Brian Minier (CHI-11)
Martin LaLonde (CHI-12)
Tiff Bluemle (CHI-13)
Bram Kleppner (CHI-13)
Barbara Rachelson (CHI-14)
Mary-Katherine Stone (CHI-14)
Brian Cina (CHI-15)
Troy Headrick (CHI-15)
Jill Krowinski (CHI-16)
Kate Logan (CHI-16)
Bob Hooper (CHI-18)
Carol Ode (CHI-18)
Sarita Austin (CHI-19)
Gayle Pezzo (CHI-20)
Daisy Berbeco (CHI-21)
Chloe Tomlinson (CHI-21)
Karen Dolan (CHI-22)
Lori Houghton (CHI-22)
Leonora Dodge (CHI-23)
Rey Garofano (CHI-23)
Alyssa Black (CHI-24)
Julia Andrews (CHI-25)
Lonnie Poland (CHI-FRA)
Mike McCarthy (FRA-3)
Heather Moore (FRA-7)
Zach Scheffler (FRA-8)
Josie Leavitt (GI-CHI)
Luke Richter (GI-CHI)
Dan Noyes (LAM-2)
Lucy Boyden (LAM-3)
Saudia LaMont (LAM-WAS)
Dave Yacovone (LAM-WAS)
Carl Demrow (ORA-1)
Monique Priestley (ORA-2)
Larry Satcowitz (ORA-WAS-ADD)
Leanne Harple (ORL-4)
Dave Potter (RUT-2)
Anna Tadio (RUT-4)
Mary Howard (RUT-6)
Will Notte (RUT-7)
Stephanie Jerome (RUT-9)
Robin Chesnut-Tangerman (RUT-BEN)
Adrienne Raymond (RUT-WDR)
Lucas Herring (WAS-1)
Dave Rapacz (WAS-1)
Dara Torre (WAS-2)
Candice White (WAS-2)
Jonathan Williams (WAS-3)
Teddy Waszazak (WAS-3)
Conor Casey (WAS-4)
Kate McCann (WAS-4)
Ela Chapin (WAS-5)
Marc Mihaly (WAS-6)
Tom Stevens (WAS-CHI)
Theresa Wood (WAS-CHI)
Zon Eastes (WDH-1)
Laura Sibilia (WDH-2)
Leslie Goldman (WDH-3)
Michelle Bos-Lun (WDH-3)
Mike Mrowicki (WDH-4)
Emily Long (WDH-5)
Emilie Kornheiser (WDH-7)
Mollie Burke (WDH-8)
John Bartholomew (WDR-1)
Elizabeth Burrows (WDR-1)
Mark Yuengling (WDR-2)
Alice Emmons (WDR-3)
Kristi Morris (WDR-3)
Heather Suprenant (WDR-4)
Coach Christie (WDR-6)
Esme Cole (WDR-6)
Kirk White (WDR-ADD)
John O’Brien (WDR-ORA-1)
Rebecca Holcombe (WDR-ORA-2)
Jim Masland (WDR-ORA-2)
Heather Chase (WDR-WDH)

Past Endorsements








Our Partners

The Vermont environmental community’s vision for a bright future includes working to advance and defend policies that protect the environment; promote health, civil rights, social, racial and economic justice; bolster strong communities; and strengthen our democracy.

  • Audubon Vermont
  • Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC)
  • Connecticut River Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited
  • Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) 
  • Lake Champlain Committee (LCC)
  • Preservation Trust of Vermont
  • Renewable Energy Vermont (REV)
  • Rights & Democracy (RAD)
  • Slingshot
  • The Trust for Public Land (TPL)
  • Third Act Vermont
  • 350VT 
  • Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR)
  • The Vermont Climate & Health Alliance
  • Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club
  • Vermont Interfaith Power & Light (VTIPL)
  • Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC)
  • Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG)