Yesterday’s Primary Election saw candidates running on strong climate action platforms overwhelmingly win their races across Vermont. Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) endorsed candidates facing primary challenges in races in all corners of the state. 95% of candidates VCV endorsed in contested primaries received enough votes to secure their party’s nomination and will advance to the general election on November 5th. 

Through its endorsements, VCV aims to educate voters across the state on candidates whose values and actions align with our vision for Vermont to advance and defend policies that protect the environment and promote health, while also advancing civil rights, social, racial, and economic justice, and strengthening our democracy.

The majority of VCV’s endorsed candidates were incumbents who voted in support of Vermont’s transition to clean energy, increased flood resilience measures, Act 250 reforms, the creation of a first-in-the-nation Climate Superfund, and the banning of neonicitinoid pesticides and further PFAS regulation, among others.

For new contenders, VCV endorsed candidates who submitted a questionnaire that demonstrated aligned priorities and values on environmental and other important issues facing Vermont.

“The primary election once again showed that pro-climate action candidates – whether incumbents who consistently vote in support of environmental policies, or first-time candidates who prioritize climate policies – win elections,” said Justin Marsh, political director, Vermont Conservation Voters. “It’s clear that Vermont voters want strong climate champions in elected office.” 

VCV political action committees were activated ahead of the primary election. VCV Action Fund supported priority candidates in three races with direct mail and phone calls that reached 11,060 Vermonters. VCV Victory Fund supported candidates in five priority races with efforts including door knocking, phone calls, and volunteer engagement.

Contested races where VCV-endorsed climate champions won:

Lt Governor: David Zuckerman

Addison: Chris Bray, Ruth Hardy
Chittenden-Central: Phil Baruth, Martine Larocque Gulick, Tanya Vyhovsky
Chittenden-South: Ginny Lyons, Kesha Ram Hinsdale
Windsor: Alison Clarkson, Becca White, Joe Major

Addison-4: Mari Cordes
Chittenden-13: Tiff Bluemle
Chittenden-21: Daisy Berbeco, Chloe Tomlinson
Orleans-4: Leanne Harple
Washington-Chittenden: Tom Stevens, Theresa Wood
Windham-1: Zon Eastes
Windham-7: Emilie Kornheiser

VCV will continue rolling out endorsements leading up to the general election. To see all of VCV’s endorsed candidates, visit