Water Quality Bill (3rd reading)

Pro-environment vote: YES This bill established new requirements for major sources of water pollution, including farms, roads, and parking lots. It also authorized new enforcement tools, created a Clean Water Fund, and dedicated nearly $8 million per year in new...

Amendment to Strip Funding from Water Quality Bill

Pro-environment vote: NO This amendment to the Water Quality Bill removed language related to establishing new funding for water cleanup efforts – an increase to the property transfer tax – and instead attempted to dedicate money already allocated to the Vermont...

Resolution on Divesting from Fossil Fuels

Pro-environment vote: YES The House passed a resolution urging the State of Vermont to divest its pension investment portfolio from stocks that contain holdings in coal and stock in Exxon Mobil, in part because Exxon Mobil deliberately misled the public and its...

Critical Habitat for Vermont Endangered Species Bill (2nd reading)

Pro-environment vote: YES This legislation updated the state’s endangered and threatened species act to allow for better recovery planning and to authorize the designation of critical habitat. Overall, the bill added much-needed tools to better protect the state’s...

Forest Integrity Bill (2nd reading)

Pro-environment vote: YES This bill encouraged better local and regional planning for intact, healthy forests and wildlife habitat. It added the goals of maintaining forest blocks and habitat connectivity to town and regional planning; took steps to maintain rural...