Clean Heat Standard

(Vote scored: Veto override) Pro-Environment vote: YES A bill to incentivize a clean energy transition for fossil fuel companies. This bill will help Vermonters – particularly those with lower incomes – heat their homes and buildings with access to more...

Environmental Justice

(Vote scored: Amending the bill as recommended by the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife) Pro-Environment vote: YES A bill to require State agencies to incorporate environmental justice into their work, establish an Advisory Council on Environmental...

Ban on toxic PFAS chemicals

(Vote scored: Second Reading) Pro-Environment vote: YES A bill to ban toxic PFAS chemicals from food packaging, firefighting foam, ski wax, and carpets and rugs. This bill will help protect people from exposure to harmful chemicals when using these products, and will...

Modernize Act 250

(Vote scored: Third Reading) Pro-Environment vote: YES A bill to update Vermont’s state land use law, Act 250, with provisions to maintain intact forests, promote working forests, and support smart growth housing development. Status: Passed the House 99-43, but was...

30 by 30

(Vote scored: Amending the bill as recommended by the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife) Pro-Environment vote: YES A bill to promote community resilience and biodiversity protection by establishing a state goal of conserving 30% of our land by 2030,...