Sep 12, 2018
Pro-environment vote: YES This resolution expressed concern for the U.S.’s withdrawal from the global Paris Climate Accord, and affirmed Vermont’s commitment to meeting our climate and clean energy goals, as well as our enrollment in the U.S. Climate Alliance –...
Sep 12, 2018
Pro-environment vote: YES This legislation increased jurisdiction over projects that require stormwater permits in Vermont – jurisdiction was expanded from projects that create 1-acre of impervious surface (paved area) to projects that create 0.5-acre of...
Sep 12, 2018
Pro-environment vote: YES This amendment would have established a long-term funding source for clean water projects across the state by increasing the “rooms and meals tax” – the tax paid when renting a room or on restaurant and bar bills – by 0.25%. This...
Sep 12, 2018
Pro-environment vote: YES This bill would have added new criteria requiring that projects going through Act 250 be designed to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts related to fragmentation of the state’s highest priority forest blocks and habitat connectivity...
Oct 4, 2016