Amendment to Strip
 Toxic-Free Families Act Improvements

Pro-environment vote: NO
 This amendment removed language from a public health bill that sought to make improvements to the process
 for assessing and regulating toxic chemicals in children’s products, as established in the 2014 Toxic-Free Families Act (Act 188)....

Global Warming Resolution

Pro-environment vote: YES This resolution acknowledged the threat posed by human-induced climate change, and Vermont’s commitment
 to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, including the need for Vermont to take steps now to reduce our reliance on fossil...

Renewable Energy Siting Bill (2nd reading)

Pro-environment vote: YES This bill took important steps forward in expanding the local and regional energy planning process to ensure the state is on track to meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals, while improving the ability of communities to plan for and...

Amendment that Stripped Balance from Energy Siting Bill

Pro-environment vote: NO This amendment would have removed the essential balance of the energy siting bill by giving towns veto authority over energy projects – projects that constitute a public good – rather than giving towns substantial deference through local...

Veto Override of Energy Siting Bill

Pro-environment vote: NO This vote sought to override the Governor’s veto of the energy siting bill, which was due to concerns identified after its enactment that, as drafted, the temporary sound standard for wind projects in the bill was more stringent than the...