Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) has released its first set of endorsements this election season for candidates for the Vermont Legislature. This initial round of VCV endorsements focuses on legislative candidates who have demonstrated strong environmental leadership in the State House or in their communities. After communities across the state experienced damaging flash flooding as a result of the earliest recorded category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic, Hurricane Beryl, the need for legislators who understand the climate crisis and are ready to take action is paramount. 

Through its endorsements, VCV aims to educate voters across the state on candidates whose values and actions align with our vision for Vermont to advance and defend policies that protect the environment and promote health, while also advancing civil rights, social, racial, and economic justice, and strengthening our democracy.

To inform our endorsement process, VCV closely tracks legislators’ actions at the State House, including key votes on environmental bills and sponsorship of legislation that will advance the Environmental Common Agenda that VCV releases each legislative session. VCV’s digital Environmental Scorecard is available online so voters can see how lawmakers voted on priority bills to act on climate change, ensure clean water, protect Vermonters’ health, and provide safe and accessible elections. 

For this initial round, VCV endorsed incumbent legislators who voted in support of VCV’s priorities at every opportunity. For new contenders, VCV endorsed candidates who submitted a questionnaire that demonstrated their priorities and values on environmental and other important issues facing Vermont. 

“Vermont Conservation Voters is pleased to endorse this initial list of candidates. We believe today’s endorsed individuals will fight for climate action and more resilient communities” said Justin Marsh, political director, Vermont Conservation Voters. “We look forward to helping these candidates win their races in the coming months, and, once they are elected, working with them to advance policies that help build a healthier and more equitable Vermont.”

VCV previously announced their endorsement of David Zuckerman for Lieutenant Governor and will endorse additional statewide and legislative candidates in the coming weeks.

VCV’s initial list of endorsed candidates for the Vermont Senate and House of Representatives is as follows:

Ruth Hardy (Addison)
Christopher Bray (Addison)
Seth Bongartz (Bennington)
Amanda Cochrane (Caledonia)
Philip Baruth (Chittenden-Central)
Tanya Vyhovsky (Chittenden-Central)
Martine Larocque Gulick (Chittenden-Central)
Ginny Lyons (Chittenden-Southeast)
Kesha Ram Hinsdale (Chittenden-Southeast)
Mark MacDonald (Orange)
Ann Cummings (Washington)
Andrew Perchlik (Washington)
Anne Watson (Washington)
Nader Hashim (Windham)
Wendy Harrison (Windham)
Alison Clarkson (Windsor)
Joe Major (Windsor)
Becca White (Windsor)

Amy Sheldon (ADD-1)
Robin Scheu (ADD-1)
Peter Conlon (ADD-2)
Diane Lanpher (ADD-3)
Matt Birong (ADD-3)
Mari Cordes (ADD-4)
Jeanne Albert (ADD-4)
Jubilee McGill (ADD-5)
David Durfee (BEN-3)
Rob Hunter (BEN-4)
Kathleen James (BEN-4)
Jim Carroll (BEN-5)
Mike Rice (BEN-RUT)
Bobby Farlice-Rubio (CAL-1)
Scott Campbell (CAL-ESX)
Jana Brown (CHI-1)
Erin Brady (CHI-2)
Angela Arsenault (CHI-2)
Trevor Squirrell (CHI-3)
Edye Graning (CHI-3)
Phil Pouech (CHI-4)
Chea Waters Evans (CHI-5)
Kate Lalley (CHI-6)
Emilie Krasnow (CHI-9)
Kate Nugent (CHI-10)
Brian Minier (CHI-11)
Martin LaLonde (CHI-12)
Barbara Rachelson (CHI-14)
Mary-Katherine Stone (CHI-14)
Brian Cina (CHI-15)
Troy Headrick (CHI-15)
Jill Krowinski (CHI-16)
Kate Logan (CHI-16)
Bob Hooper (CHI-18)
Carol Ode (CHI-18)
Sarita Austin (CHI-19)
Daisy Berbeco (CHI-21)
Chloe Tomlinson (CHI-21)
Karen Dolan (CHI-22)
Lori Houghton (CHI-22)
Leonora Dodge (CHI-23)
Rey Garofano (CHI-23)
Alyssa Black (CHI-24)
Julia Andrews (CHI-25)
Mike McCarthy (FRA-3)
Josie Leavitt (GI-CHI)
Saudia LaMont (LAM-WAS)
Carl Demrow (ORA-1)
Monique Priestley (ORA-2)
Larry Satcowitz (ORA-WAS-ADD)
Leanne Harple (ORL-4)
Anna Tadio (RUT-4)
Mary Howard (RUT-6)
Will Notte (RUT-7)
Stephanie Jerome (RUT-9)
Robin Chesnut-Tangerman (RUT-BEN)
Dara Torre (WAS-2)
Jonathan Williams (WAS-3)
Teddy Waszazak (WAS-3)
Conor Casey (WAS-4)
Ela Chapin (WAS-5)
Marc Mihaly (WAS-6)
Tom Stevens (WAS-CHI)
Theresa Wood (WAS-CHI)
Zon Eastes (WDH-1)
Leslie Goldman (WDH-3)
Michelle Bos-Lun (WDH-3)
Mike Mrowicki (WDH-4)
Emily Long (WDH-5)
Emilie Kornheiser (WDH-7)
Mollie Burke (WDH-8)
John Bartholomew (WDR-1)
Elizabeth Burrows (WDR-1)
Alice Emmons (WDR-3)
Kristi Morris (WDR-3)
Heather Suprenant (WDR-4)
Coach Christie (WDR-6)
Esme Cole (WDR-6)
Kirk White (WDR-ADD)
Rebecca Holcombe (WDR-ORA-2)
Jim Masland (WDR-ORA-2)
Heather Chase (WDR-WDH)

Vermont Conservation Voters will release additional statewide and legislative endorsements in the coming weeks.