Improving Energy Efficiency Standards for Appliances (3rd reading)

Pro-environment vote: YES This bill established new energy efficiency standards for 16 appliances including computers and monitors, commercial dishwashers, portable air conditioners, and others. These improved energy efficiency standards will save energy and save...

Improving Stormwater Regulations (3rd reading)

Pro-environment vote: YES This legislation increased jurisdiction over projects that require stormwater permits in Vermont – jurisdiction was expanded from projects that create 1-acre of impervious surface (paved area) to projects that create 0.5-acre of...

Clean Water Funding Bill (House Committee on Ways & Means amendment)

Pro-environment vote: YES This amendment would have established a long-term funding source for clean water projects across the state by increasing the “rooms and meals tax” – the tax paid when renting a room or on restaurant and bar bills – by 0.25%. This...