Five candidates are competing for three seats in this summer’s Democratic primary in the newly redrawn Washington County State Senate district. Please join Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) and VPIRG for a Zoom debate on Wednesday, July 6, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Steven Pappas, the Publisher & Executive Editor of The Times Argus/Rutland Herald, will moderate the conversation with candidates Ann Cummings, Jared Duval, Jeremy Hansen, Andrew Perchlik and Anne Watson. When you register, you’ll also be able to submit your own questions for the candidates.
After the recent redistricting process in Vermont, the Washington County Senate district now includes all of Washington County, plus the towns of Stowe, Braintree, and Orange. This debate will be one of the few opportunities voters have to hear from all of the Democratic candidates on issues important to VPIRG and VCV. Please join us!