S1, E12 (Apr. 3, 2023): A Conversation with Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman

Guest: Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman

Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman, is currently serving as our state’s 84th lieutenant governor, returning for a third term after one biennium break following a run for Governor. Zuckerman is a Progressive/Democrat who was the only third-party candidate to be elected in a statewide race this past Election Day nationwide. He served in both the Vermont House and Senate until being elected as lieutenant governor. Zuckerman discusses his day-to-day duties, his political career path, and the challenges and opportunities of being a member of the Progressive Party. With nearly a quarter century of experience in Montpelier, he also reflects on incremental change, the pace of lawmaking, and what may be next for him.

With the House and Senate enduring very long days in their respective chambers on top of their committee work, we decided to give our Senators and Representatives the week off from our in-depth investigative interviews, and instead, Lauren and Justin give a rundown on the many votes we witnessed last week – as well as what we expect to see voted on this week. With two House votes and four Senate votes on our priority policies, now is a great time to check out our environmental scorecard to see how your elected officials are voting. Read the full transcript here.