S1, E8 (Feb. 27, 2023): Banning PFAS and Toxic “Forever” Chemicals

Guests: Rep. Dane Whitman, VNRC’s Kati Gallagher

Rep. Dane Whitman (D-Bennington) speaks about policy banning harmful PFAS and toxic “forever” chemicals from several items. His work on this effort last biennium earned him VCV’s Rising Star Award in 2022. He shares why PFAS are of concern to Vermonters and particularly the Bennington region for which he represents, and outlines the next wave of consumer products that include toxics that the legislature intends to further ban this biennium. Later, he outlines other important priorities his committee is taking up as we approach crossover week.

Lauren Hierl sits down with Kati Gallagher, Sustainable Communities Program Director at Vermont Natural Resources Council, for our Deep Dive segment. The two discuss the intricacies of smart growth housing policies which aim to address our state’s housing crisis. Lastly, our Session Shakedown segment gives the latest update on Affordable Heat Act (which should be going to a full Senate vote this week), and what’s next for policies being worked on in the House Committee on Environment and Energy. Read the full transcript here.