Today’s episode
We’re one week out from the adjournment of the 2021 legislative session. This year, policy makers made unprecedented investments in climate action—and so much more! Today we’re joined by VPIRG’s Climate and Energy Program Ben Edgerly Walsh for an interview about some of these gains.
We discuss the $50+ direct appropriations in weatherization, affordable community-scale renewable energy, transportation, and essential capacity-enhancing services at critical partner organizations, like community action agencies and regional planning commissions. Plus, we talk about the historic commitment to implementing the Climate Action Plan coming out of the Global Warming Solutions Act.
Learn more from VNRC and VCV about other significant state commitments to affordable housing, broadband, clean water, and more. Vermont also made important new commitments to building a 21st-century clean, affordable transportation system in the Transportation Bill (T-Bill). Find out more details here.
Call to action
If you haven’t yet thanked your legislators for their support of this year’s budget and the significantly expanded commitments to climate, clean water, broadband, and more, please take a moment to send a note to your Representative(s) and Senator(s) today! Thanks for all you do.