Democracy Dispatch
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Justin Marsh is joined every Monday with folks from their team to update you about everything that happened in the Vermont State House the week before, and what to expect throughout the upcoming week. Listen to exclusive interviews with legislators and environmental allies, and go deeper on policy initiatives affecting our air, water, open space, democracy, and quality of life.
New podcast episodes launch every Monday during the Vermont Legislative Session.
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Are Dams Holding Us Back?
A conversation with Karina Dailey, a restoration ecologist with Vermont Natural Resources Council, about dams and the role they play to unlocking climate resiliency and broader biodiversity
VCV’s Rising Star Award Winners
A conversation with Senator Anne Watson (D/P-Washington) and Representative Mike Rice (D-Dorset), winners of VCV’s 2024 Rising Star Award.
Flood Recovery & Climate Resilience
Rep. Dan Noyes (D-Wolcott) and Rep. Kelly Pajala (I-Londonderry) talk about flood recovery efforts in their respective districts and climate resilience policies
Flood Recovery Efforts
As Vermonters begin week four of clean up from the devastating flooding that occurred the week of July 10th, we hear from four legislators from across Vermont as they share stories from their communities and efforts of recovery.
Wrapping Up the 2023 Session
On the Season Finale of the Democracy Dispatch Podcast, Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski discusses her role as Speaker, and House leadership’s priorities both currently and with an eye on the second and final year of the biennium.
How Wisconsin Organized Voters to Combat Attacks on Democracy
Wisconsin Conservation Voters’ Deputy Director, Seth Hoffmeister joins the podcast to share stories about the incredible field organizing his organization led, resulting in successfully blocking a Republican supermajority in the Wisconsin House of Representatives.