Jan 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Focus on growing jobs, helping all participate in the clean energy transformation Montpelier, VT – Sen. Chris Pearson, Rep. Sarah Copeland Hanzas, Rep. David Deen, and advocates from the Energy Independent Vermont Coalition today announced Vermont’s participation in...
Jan 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
In the fourth week of the legislative session, lawmakers have been taking testimony and started voting on several bills we’re following. Environmental initiatives remain front and center – and we continue to work to build support for enacting clean water...
Jan 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
“The solutions Governor Scott proposed in his budget address for climate change and clean water fall dramatically short of what we need to take on the challenges Vermont faces,” said Lauren Hierl, Vermont Conservation Voters Political Director....
Jan 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Business, municipal, and environmental leaders came together today to express shared support for long-term clean water funding via a parcel fee, and the establishment of a Clean Water Authority to collect and distribute those funds to on-the-ground clean water...
Jan 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
In the second week of the legislative session, legislators continue to set their priorities for the year. We already know that environmental initiatives will be in the forefront. VCV is continuing to work to ensure that clean water funding, toxic chemical reforms,...