Montpelier, VT — Today, Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) announced its endorsement of Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos for re-election.

“Secretary of State Jim Condos has successfully worked to make Vermont one of the easiest states in the nation in which to vote,” said Lauren Hierl, Executive Director of VCV. “As we watch voter suppression tactics being employed in other parts of the country, we are particularly appreciative of Secretary Condos’ ongoing commitment to making voting accessible for all Vermonters – even during the pandemic.”

During Secretary of State Condos’ tenure, Vermont has successfully implemented same-day voter registration, automatic voter registration, online voter registration, and allowed 17-year-olds to vote in the primary election if they will be 18 by the general election. Additionally, he has fought to ensure Vermonters have a right to access public records.

In response to the pandemic, Secretary Condos developed a plan to ensure as many Vermonters as possible could vote from the safety of their home, by encouraging vote-by-mail for the Primaries (where we saw record-breaking turnout) and by mailing all active registered voters their ballot for the November elections – while maintaining safe, in-person voting options for those who want or need it.

Secretary of State Jim Condos said, “No eligible Vermonter should have to choose between their health and the opportunity to participate in our democracy.”

Hierl added, “At a time when we’re seeing serious attacks on our democracy and attempts to undermine access to the polls, Vermont is lucky to have a Secretary of State who is a national leader in fighting for easy access for all voters, and for an open and transparent state government. We encourage Vermonters to re-elect Jim Condos as Vermont Secretary of State.”

To learn more about Vermont Conservation Voters, visit