Today, Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) announced its endorsement of Vermont Attorney General TJ Donovan for re-election.

“Attorney General TJ Donovan has fought for a clean, healthy environment in Vermont and nationally,” said Lauren Hierl, Executive Director of VCV. “While in office, Donovan has provided critical support for the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act, took meaningful steps to enforce our clean water laws, and is taking on chemical companies who polluted Vermonters’ drinking water. He has also sued the Trump Administration over numerous wrongheaded proposals, including attempts to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency, gut key climate change regulations, roll back energy efficiency standards, and more.”

Attorney General TJ Donovan said, “I am honored to have the support of Vermont Conservation Voters. I am proud of the work they do, and as Attorney General I will join them in the fight to protect our environment.”

During his tenure as Attorney General, Donovan vigorously defended the legal basis — and urgent need — for enacting Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act. This bill was recently enacted by the Vermont Legislature, despite being vetoed by Governor Scott. The Solutions Act will allow citizens to hold state government accountable to meeting climate pollution reduction targets. It will also require strategic planning for achieving our targets in ways that create jobs, help rural and marginalized communities, and address other racial, social, and economic equity issues. 

Donovan has used his office to sue corporate polluters to hold them responsible for contaminating our drinking water, and to help ensure Vermonters have safe water in their homes. He supported a bill to help victims of toxic contamination recoup medical monitoring costs from large corporate polluters, which was unfortunately also vetoed by Governor Scott. Donovan has sued the federal government more than a hundred times on a range of Trump Administration proposals, including efforts to undermine regulations on climate change and clean water.

Hierl added, “Attorney General Donovan has worked to defend and advance our right to clean air, clean water and a livable planet. We encourage Vermonters to re-elect TJ Donovan as Vermont Attorney General.”