Climate Dispatch



Curious what’s happening at the State House and how you can make your voice heard? Tune into the online conversation by following the #ActOnClimateVT hashtag on social media, and watch our near-weekly legislative update posted shortly after 12PM on Fridays during the legislative session (and otherwise as needed). Missed one? Find all episodes here.

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Climate Dispatch: The Flood Safety Act Advances with Senator Bray

Climate Dispatch: The Flood Safety Act Advances with Senator Bray

On Wednesday, the Flood Safety Act (S.213) was passed out of the Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee on a unanimous 5-0 vote. It will now move to Senate Finance and then Senate Appropriations before heading to the floor for a vote by the full Senate. In...

Climate Dispatch: The Renewable Energy Standard is on the Move!

Climate Dispatch: The Renewable Energy Standard is on the Move!

Welcome back to the Climate Dispatch! This week we saw important movement on the bill to modernize Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard, H.289, as it was voted out of the House Environment & Energy Committee on a 9-1-1 vote! We anticipate the bill will make a...

Climate Dispatch: Businesses For Climate Action and Flood Recovery

Climate Dispatch: Businesses For Climate Action and Flood Recovery

Welcome back to the Climate Dispatch! This week was once again chock-full of important testimony on H.289, the Renewable Energy Standard modernization bill, S.213, a climate resilience bill to better protect wetlands and river corridors and enhance dam safety,...